canon 6d

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The Kingshead Klassik

Can’t believe it has been a year since the last one. Another super chilled day with friends in a field of Porsches, thanks to Karmann Konnection for another great day out.

Snetterton June 2016 HSCC Meeting

New project on my automotive project page of a fantastically sunny day at Snetterton, no I’m serious. Actual sun at Snetterton, uh-huh.

Any Fort in a Storm

A few days spent in one of my favourite places always leads to a a feeling of calm despite the weather.This particular evening was stormy to say the least. Standing on a beach in the pouring rain, low tide. Wrapped up in waterproofs, myself and my camera. Wiping the lens after every shot. Big rain drops, the […]

Waiting for the Spitfires

Today was Battle of Britain Day, celebrating 75 years since the Battle of Britain. 40 Planes leaving Goodwood from midday and flying several routes ending up at some of the main airfields used during World War II. We decided to view from Culver Down on the Isle of Wight as it looked from the route […]