Oilcooled 2020
November 6, 2020
It’s amazing how this year seems to have flown by despite not actually doing very much at all. It certainly doesn’t seem like a whole year ago since the first Oilcooled event at the now famous Porsche themed nature reserve Boxengasse. You have to be fully committed to put a gathering of any sort on at the moment, the risk of it being called off last minute must have weighed heavy on the minds of all those involved but it’s not just personal woes at risk here. You have to be fully committed to managing the risk of your guests in this Covid 19 world. The premise is simple perhaps. Provide sanitation stations, distancing signage and visual guidelines, extra staff, temperature checks on arrival, extra facilities to spread people out and a committed workforce of helpers to direct and protect. I have to say all at Boxengasse and neighbours Autofarm managed this with grace and style with as little disruption felt as possible. I think with most scenarios the organisers can only do so much without the help and common sense of their visitors. Everyone was very mindful of the situation and sensible helping to make the whole event from a visitors point of view feel super safe throughout. Masks on indoors, sanitise, wash your hands, keep your distance, it’s easy right.
Reading back through it’s a great shame that the start of my show review has to start with all the Covid BS but its important. It’s important to say thank you, and it’s important to note that it’s entirely possible to be responsible and safe with good organisation and a sensible crowd.
What about the show then? Still with limited numbers but more than last year the atmosphere was very similar. An increase in watercooled cars (all cars in fact) in attendance meant that more areas of the stunning grounds were made available for visitor parking but the curated lakeside displays we loved last year were back and the cars still had space to breath which is fantastic and a unique feature of Oilcooled. It really gives you a chance to walk around each exhibit and have clear view from every angle. It’s also important as photographer constantly looking for clear uncluttered backgrounds adding to the overall aesthetic. Past the visiting display cars is an enclosed arena which acted as a social hub with food, music, and plenty of seating surrounded by high quality traders selling parts, apparel and artwork.
The beating heart of the site is the hardstanding area flanked by the Autofarm Headquarters and the Black Betty Garage, home of Frank Cassidy’s personal collection. Again this was garnished with a first rate selection of cars you’d be hard pushed to see all together in any other situation. 2 litre Cup entrants, rally cars, RSR’s, the Icon 917, it really was when you think back a unique display of machinery. With social media you get to see The Black Betty collection progress and expand through the year but it’s not the same as being there in our annual pilgrimage. Autofarm also never disappoints. The project department was happy to chat as we wandered through their displays of craftsmanship. Again you have to pinch yourself when you get home as its a special experience being surrounded by such rarities.
We traveled up following Mark Morgan of Triplespresso in his gorgeous Golden Green 912, it’s such a pleasure following something nice on the journey. He did have a slight issue on the way home and had to be recovered from a lay-by (eventually). We stayed with him for 4 out of the shocking 12 hrs it took to be recovered. It was a good laugh standing watching the world go by, to a point, made a change for it not being me waiting for recovery and as the light faded I got some nice long exposures for him to remember that happy time with!
As usual I’ll let the photos do the talking. Thanks again to the organisers and to my fellow visitors for keeping your distance!

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