Auto Finesse Chill and Grill
July 22, 2019
Sunday morning…. nothing to do…..fired up instagram and saw a post by Sam from Two Gun Salute saying he was heading off to the Auto Finesse Chill and Grill. Looked it up and what a result, only forty minutes away in the lovely village of Barrington and what an awesome event it turned out to be. The perfect venue for this type of event with huge greens for parking and display cars either side of the main road with the Royal Oak Pub at the centre of it all, displays and stalls, bar, gourmet bbq food, and tunes blending together to make a lovely vibe all day. Most people behaved on exit, traffic calming and parking management was brilliantly handled by the Auto Finesse crew. A class act all round.
© Copyright 2022, Thomas Fawdry
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