Dragstalgia 2019
August 22, 2019
With given access to a time machine the choice of destination is a fairly difficult one. First you’ve got the time period, then the location. A quick search on youtube for ‘drag racing 1960s’ confirms this to be one of my top choices of period. As for location pretty much any Drag Strip in the states in the 60’s would have done. Of course the discovery of a time machine is not that likely to occur and just powering one up is bound to fuck the environment in some way, so even more unlikely to be put into production. With this dismal lack of time machine availability the need for creating a window of vintageness, to step back in time without the breakthrough in quantum physics, can be found in one of many vintage festivals held every year. I’m not that into big turnups and lindy hopping but Dragstalgia hits the spot every time. There seemed to be a conscious effort this year to embrace more than just the drag racing and automobilia side of the event with plenty to entertain those where the drag strip wasn’t their main focus. Dance lessons, vintage photo studio, stalls, bands you name it, it was there and it was busy! With parking right up to the gate at Santa Pod the popularity increase was clear to see. The standard and volume of cars in the ‘show and shine’ parking was incredible as were the Drag Racing stars of the show hammering up the quarter mile all weekend. Enjoy the photos, hopefully I’ve captured the vibe enough for you to stick it in next years calendar.

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