Essex Outlaw
July 5, 2017
Paul Stephens along with Total 911 Magazine’s Lee Sibley were responsible for hosting the Essex Outlaw night. A chance to meet and greet Urban Outlaw Magnus Walker at the super impressive Paul Stephens Porsche HQ in Halstead. It was an open invite for all Porsches and that’s exactly what they got. The car park soon filled up as more people and cars arrived spilling into the road outside. It was a beautiful summer’s evening with Porsche of all ages turning up. Great to meet Magnus Walker and listen to him talk to the crowd in an informal Q&A session. The facility itself is a really cool place to be, split into a huge showroom and workshop with some awesome cars for sale and projects in the works. There’s a definite link between Magnus Walker and Paul Stephens apart from being a Porsche enthusiasts, they are both modifiers of the marque. On display on the showroom were some examples of the PS Autoart cars. Cars modified with bespoke hand built features in both style and performance, right down to the production of their own range of PS Autoart wheels. Impressive to see, alas too crowded to get any proper shots in the showroom so you’ll have to pay them a visit or check out their website for more.

1 comment
Comment by John "Roosta" Roote
John "Roosta" Roote July 6, 2017 at 5:53 pm
Great collection of photos Tom and a nice flashback to a truly memorable night!